Learn how to create an inline question. Follow these instructions to customize the question and answer options for your course.

1. Click here

The first step is to go to the courses list and select the edit button of your course

Click here

2. Click "Question Bank"

Then, select the Question Bank section

Click 'Question Bank'


Select this dropdown which will drive you to the options of the questions

Click 'All'

4. Click "Inline Questions"

Choose "Inline Questions" from the available options

Click 'Inline Questions'

5. Click here

Click on this button to create a new question with answers

Click here

6. Click here

Click on this box and write the question of your choice

Click here


You can modify the look of the text with those options

Click 'Background ColorTransparentSelectText ColorReset to defaultSelect'

8. Click here

Write your answer here. Create multiple answers. Of these, only one must be correct and the others are false.

Click here

9. Click here

Click here to add more answers to choose from and repeat the same operation to create each new answers

Click here


Once you have created multiple answers, please select the correct answer option by clicking here

Fill 'a'

11. Click "Create"

Finalize the creation of the inline question by clicking here

Click 'Create'

Your question has now been saved. You can watch the next video to learn how to add it to your course