Welcome to the guide on how to create an activity. Follow the instructions below to easily create engaging activities for your course

1. What is an activity?

Before we begin, let's explain what an activity is. An activity corresponds to creating a list of boxes with questions for example and linking them to their matching boxes in which the answers are located

What is an activity?

2. Click here

Go to the courses list and select the edit button of your course

Click here

3. Click "Activity Builder"

Open the Activity Builder feature

Click 'Activity Builder'

4. Click here

Click the selected button to create an activity

Click here

5. Click here

Click on this box and write the name of your activity

Click here

6. Click here

Select this field

Click here

7. Click here

Write here the text of the right box which is the corresponding box. This must be the answer to the question of the left box

Click here

8. Click here to add more boxes

Then, click on this orange circle to add additional boxes. We recommend to make at least 4 boxes for it to be interesting but you are free to add the number of boxes you want

Click here to add more boxes

9. Click "Create"

Once you are satisfied with your boxes, click here to save the activity

Click 'Create'


Your activity has been created

Click 'Activity List

In this guide, you learned how to create an activity. If you would like to learn how to add your activity to your course, please watch the next video