This guide will show you how to create a competency transcript. A competency transcript is attached to an assessment course. It will show a comprehensive overview of an user's competencies and skills during the course. Competency transcripts can be set up by a few platform administrators. Ask them the access if you require this set up

1. Click "Competency Transcript Builder"

Go to the the admin section and open the Competency Transcript Builder.

Click 'Competency Transcript Builder'

2. Click here

Then, fill this area with the name of the transcript

Click here


Select those two dropdowns. Choose a deliverer for the first and the course to which you wish to attach the competency transcript. The content of Competency Transcripts should be created and copied across to the online version

Click '-- Please Select --


Allow Multiple Tests means that you are allowed to break up the competency transcript if you have many criteria. We suggest if you have more than 30 criteria it is helpful to split the transcript into tests

Click 'Allow  Multiple Tests:   

5. Click "Add Competency"

Then, to add a competency, you have to press this button. The main part of each competency transcript is made up of areas of competence and then each of these will have multiple criteria.

Click 'Add Competency'

6. Click "Competency item..."

Give a name to your competency

Click 'Competency item...'

7. Click "Add Criteria"

You can and more criteria to complete the competency by pressing this button

Click 'Add Criteria'

8. Click "Add Competency"

You can repeat these steps to add as many competencies and criteria as you require

Click 'Add Competency'

9. Click "Criteria item..."

Choose and enter the criteria here

Click 'Criteria item...'


To ensure that assessors do not need to calculate if someone is Excellent, Competent or Not Yet Competent overall these rules can be used to calculate the overall result of a course participant. By changing these Overall Grade Rules will ensure that these are automatically calculated once all criteria have been assessed for participant in a course intake

Click 'Overall Grade'


Before finishing and saving the competency transcript, let's understand what is this area. Assessors can leave comments for participants in courses. Here you can choose if the transcript should display with a notes section for a competency area or if each criteria will have a notes section. If you have chosen multiple tests then each test section will also automatically have a notes section for the assessor to leave comments for each participant.

Click 'Allow Comments:  


This is what the assessors can leave notes for course participants looks like. These rectangles are the notes section where you can type the notes for the participants

13. Click "Save Transcript"

Then, select this save transcript button to save your competency. It will be automatically attached to the course to which you have chosen to link it

Click 'Save Transcript'


You can see that your competency transcript has been successfully saved

Click '×
						 You have successfully saved this item'

In this guide, we covered the steps to create a competency transcript to evaluate the performance of an user in an assessment course. If you want to discover how to create forms, like feedback for example, there is another video that you can watch